Last week we had a 'B' Party at our house! And you know why it was so much fun? It was a party just for fun! That's right, those party's are the best! No agenda, just come dressed up and have some fun. Everything at the party was associated with the letter B. We ate Burgers, and Ballpark franks, had a bonfire, played Bored Games and Watched Back to the Future! Everyone came dressed as something that started with B! I thought I would share some photos with you! Any excuse for a party!

Bonno and a Skilled B-ball player showed up.

The NBA let us borrow a few players for the evening!

Yummy Summer Fruit!

Our handmade decor.

A bum and a boy scout dropped by!

Indian Brave, and Big Momma

The Beautiful Belle

Bird woman, black widdow, bee, barney, and a butterfly.

A Bandit and a Boxer, out by the bonfire!
Too funny! I did see a pic from one of your party-goers on Facebook and responded with, "A letter B party? What, are we on Sesame Street?"
LOL! Too cute. Way to just have fun. :)
O-my word! This is amazingly ridiculous!! I wish I could've been a ballerina, bum, or a Beatle! Good job you guys!! Much love from CA!!
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