Tuesday, September 7, 2010

39 Weeks

Week 39 of Pregnancy: Fetal Skills Expand

Your baby's weight and height have probably increased only a little from last week, but his or her brain is still developing rapidly, with changes you'll be able to recognize firsthand as your developing baby's skill-packed bag of tricks expands almost daily.
Your baby's weight and height have probably increased only a little from last week (and your overstretched skin at 39 weeks pregnant is probably grateful for that). But his or her brain is still developing rapidly (a pace that continues during the first three years of life), with changes you'll be able to recognize firsthand as your baby's skill-packed bag of tricks expands almost daily.
Heard that babies cry a lot?  There's definitely truth to that rumor — as you'll find out soon enough (and usually during the middle of the night).  But what you may not have heard is that tiny babies don't produce tiny tears when they cry, since their tear ducts aren't open for business yet.  While you'll be consoling your crying baby right from the get-go, it won't be until sometime after the first month that you'll be wiping tears off those chubby cheeks.
Your baby's skin has now finally changed from pink to white (no matter how dark-skinned he or she will be eventually; pigmentation will occur soon following birth). That's because a thicker fat layer has been deposited over the blood vessels (making your baby's cheeks —  both kinds — pinchably and kissably round).

We managed to take a few picts Sunday after Church. The weather has been so strange. Tons of rain and humidity. Typical tropical storm type stuff.  Since we were outside in the back yard, Tyson wanted to get in on the action this week. He said he is ready to meet the baby too. He likes to lick my tummy when I go outside. I am not sure if he can tell there is another person in there, or if he thinks I am hiding his ball. 

Here are my boys, they had to get in on the action too this week! We are all on the count down to BABY M's arrival!


Jennifer said...

Oooo baby Montes is ready to come out!! When I get pregnant I need you to give me tips on how to stay looking so good!! You look gorgeous and I can't wait to see my sweet nephew or niece!

Jennifer said...

PS: I have this crazy feeling it might be a girl, but I'll love a boy too!!